Cyndi Bruce @ Cunningham Creek

Both my daughters love going to Prachee Arts every Tuesday after school. They have learned so much in painting, drawing, molding and more! The teacher is amazing, and my girls enjoy her classes every time.

Caylie Walker @ Cunningham Creek

My daughter absolutely loves Prachee Arts. She has always encompassed an ‘artsy’ side; however, I am absolutely not art inclined, so I wanted her to be able to learn proper techniques and express herself. It is incredibly obvious that since taking classes, Alannah has grown tremendously in her skills and creative thinking. Next year, we […]

Lyra Jenkins @ Cunningham Creek

My boys love taking art classes from Prachee Arts at their school! The are so excited to show off the things they made after each class! Our fridge is covered in their artwork!

Whitney Marema @ Ketterlinus Elementary

My 7 yr old takes these art classes at Ketterlinus Elementary. She is driven by art and she does fantastic works using various mediums. She is always proud of her creations and we intend to continue yearly with back to back sessions.

Bonnie Bradshaw @Cunningham Creek

My daughter loves the Prachee art classes offered at Cunningham Creek! She comes home with the most beautiful and creative projects that I am proud to display and that she is proud to have done “all by herself”. I’m crossing my fingers that you will offer classes at the new school opening next year! Thank […]